Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Love For Animals {TRIVIA}

I have a deep rooted addiction to all animals. And this section of my site is dedicated to that addiction. I have found more love, understanding, and companionship through my association with animals then most people find in a lifetime. I've always offered sanctuary and care to needy animals and my rewards have been greater then my efforts..

Let me first introduce the immediate members of my family. Above is a picture of my Lady the Lab. Here's a little Trivia on the Labrador:

The Labrador Retriever is a strongly built, medium-sized, short-coupled, dog possessing a sound, athletic, well-balanced conformation that enables it to function as a retrieving gun dog; the substance and soundness to hunt waterfowl or upland game for long hours under difficult conditions; the character and quality to win in the show ring; and the temperament to be a family companion. Physical features and mental characteristics should denote a dog bred to perform as an efficient Retriever of game with a stable temperament suitable for a variety of pursuits beyond the hunting environment.
The most distinguishing characteristics of the Labrador Retriever are its short, dense, weather resistant coat; an "otter" tail; a clean-cut head with broad back skull and moderate stop; powerful jaws; and its "kind," friendly eyes, expressing character, intelligence and good temperament.

When an animal shares my domain it becomes a permanent member of my family and is given unconditional love for the rest of its life. Lady is one of my children. This Lady is the second four legged Lady to share my Life the first one died over three years ago. Lady 1 was the best companion I ever had and Lady 2 is doing a pretty good job filling her paws.

I hunted through pictures of dogs for a long time trying to find out what kind a breed Charley was. I finally come to the conclusion that my Charley is a mongrel (mutt)

This is my Charley! He's the sweetest thing on four legs. In the background is my Lady. 

Charley likes to bark but he doesn't bite. Charley is also one of my kids. Not much Trivia on Charley. A "pure bred" dog is a group of dogs that look alike and are the product of parents with a similar appearance and which, when mated together, reproduce their kind. A mongrel or Mutt is a dog whose parents are unknown or is not considered to be pure bred. Poor boy but take it from me you're as good as any pure bred can be.

My Lady and Charley can tell me more in just a few seconds by wagging their tails then most humans can tell if they wag their tongues all day.

A dear friend (Tina) sent me this picture of a black Lab.


Many years ago I raised Morgan Horses. It was a happy time. I had several champions that my wife and I showed all over the country. I think all horses are beautiful specially the Morgan.

The birth of the Morgan breed

The Morgan Horse - An American Legend
Justin Morgan was a living legend. In the manner of so many heroes, he began as an unremarkable colt and became the father of an entire breed of horses recognized for quality and dependability.
Born in 1789, Justin Morgan started life as a small, rough-coated colt known as "Figure." In 1791, he left his birthplace in Springfield, Massachusetts with his new owner, the soft-spoken schoolteacher Justin Morgan, by whose name the stallion eventually became known. Although his breeding was unknown (thought to be of Dutch, Thoroughbred, or Arabian breeding), the quality of Justin Morgan's ancestry showed in his straight clean legs; deep muscling over his quarters and shoulders; and fine, intelligent head with large expressive eyes and short, pricked ears. Add to these the quality of his movement, a thick but silky mane and tail, and a clean-cut throatlatch, and you have the conformation of the ideal light horse. Despite these fine qualities, Justin Morgan's lack of size was such that his debt-ridden owner found no buyers on their journey north to Randolph Center, Vermont. It was simply fate that no one but, his new owner realized what a little giant he was.

Well, I can't leave out my other four legged family. My family of stray cats. Every morning and every evening I feed and offer love to all the homeless felines in my neighborhood. I've even given them names. They're wild and won't let anyone near them except for me. Yes!! I consider them part of my family.

Cat Having Kittens

A placental mammal, the cat gives birth to young that have developed inside her body. Nine weeks after fertilization, hormones stimulate the cat’s uterus to contract and expel the kittens. Here, one kitten has already been born. The next can be seen emerging from the birth canal of the mother, shrouded in the amniotic sac that encloses each developing kitten in the womb. When the membrane breaks, the young animal takes its first breath of air. The mother licks the newborn clean and dry and chews through the umbilical cord still connecting it to the placenta. Another kitten is born within half an hour, by which time the first two, blind but not helpless, have smelled and felt their way to their mother’s belly to begin feeding. The placenta, or afterbirth, follows the last kitten. In the wild the mother eats this organ, both to obtain valuable nourishment when she is tired and immobile and to eliminate the smell of blood so attractive to predators.

This next one doesn't have four legs but I include him in my animal kingdom. This would be Almighty Cash the mighty bald eagle. Go to the directory and you'll find the story. Almighty Cash keeper of the skies. The Almighty Bald Eagle.

The bald eagle was designated as the national bird of the United States in 1782. Its name does not imply a lack of feathers, but instead is derived from the word piebald, meaning “marked with white.” The bald eagle reigns as the second-largest bird of prey in North America, after the California condor.

We sure can't leave out the King

The largest member of the cat family The mighty lion. Who's size and strength have captured human imagination since ancient times, when they were given the nickname king of beasts. Lions are also known for their mighty roar, a fearsome sound that can be heard by humans more than five miles away. I've always admired the Lions dominating appearance he really has the stature of a true King.

Adult male lions can be as much as 50 percent larger than females, but it is to other males that they must appear threatening. Their manes make them appear bigger without adding weight. If a smaller male realizes he is at a disadvantage, a confrontation may end without a fight. In the event of an attack, the mane also serves to snag or cushion the impact of an opponent’s claws and teeth. Although lions are now protected from sport hunting, they are increasingly threatened by the disappearance of land and food as humans encroach upon their habitat.

Now here's a magnificent creature. Beautiful, graceful and another favorite of mine. The one and only Jaguar, considered to be the largest American cat.

The jaguar is found from the southern United States to northern Argentina, but it is especially abundant in the dense forests of Central America and Brazil. A mature jaguar is about six feet long, not including the tail, which is two to three feet in length. It stands two feet high at its shoulders. Its coat is a rich yellow to rusty-red, and occasionally black, spotted with large black rosettes, each consisting of a circle of spots surrounding a central spot. The head and body are massive, and the legs are relatively short and thick. An adept climber and an excellent swimmer. In the pre-Columbian civilizations of Peru and Central America, it was worshiped as a god. .

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Let me tell you my brief story, that is if you can spend a minute or two but bare in mind I’m not a writer that is something Big Daddy Cash can do. Cash didn’t know what he was in for when he adopted me you see I’m a four legged holy terror but I can’t help it cause I’m just a wee little puppy doing what wee little puppies do. Hmm, let me see, oh yes it all had its beginning on Cashes birthday; he saw me on a TV show about animals needing a home and said I want that cute little puppy and I want her today. He called the humane society and adopted me right on the spot. I’m one of the lucky ones because I had one day before I was to be euthanized. Anyway right from the start I had six four legged brothers and sisters, five canines and one feline. I didn’t know it at the time but a feline is a cat. All together we are one big happy family even the cat. Big daddy Cash is the master of our domain it is a true to life menagerie. Finding a home with this animal loving son of a gun was my lucky day. Well I said I’d be brief and I meant it maybe Big Daddy will write a little something about me just for the fun of it. Da, da, da, That’s all Folks!! Sheeba

Saturday, July 10, 2010


My Happy Canines

My brother had two dogs that he couldn’t take care of because of his crazy life style. He told me that he was going to take his dogs to the humane society and have them put to sleep. He knew that I had, had a Labrador retriever that was my constant companion for 14 years. He also knew that I had this great affection for all animals. When he approached me with the proposition that I take the Lab. I gave him a positive no. No, No, No! This was on a weekend, he planned to take them to the pound on the following Monday.

Needless to say, that weekend I didn’t get much sleep, thinking about those two poor animals that were going to be killed. How could I not give them a home, not just the Lab. but both of them? Their survival was left entirely up to me. Well, the first thing Monday morning, I called my brother and told him to bring both dogs over. I told him I’d keep them until I could find them a home.

Since they were young adults they were pretty set in their habits and ways. It was obvious that they had not been given much love and affection because they feared me and were suspicious of all my efforts. It was empathy and compassion that drew me to them at first. The more I worked with them the more I started to care for them.

Charley was a mongrel about four years old and Lady was a pure bred right around three. Both dogs were plumb full of love but they didn’t show it because they didn’t know what love was. It took me about a year to earn their trust and respect before they could really show their love. When they had confidence in themselves and me they started learning in leaps and bounds. Now, there is an unconditional love that has bound us together forever and ever. Charley and Lady have both become a part of me as well as I them. My home is their home and their home is mine.

Little Charley is really quite an exceptional guy. He shows his love in a good many ways, to Lady, to me and to the neighborhood kids. For example; he’ll wait for Lady to eat her food and if Lady’s still hungry he’ll step aside and let her have his. He’ll lay and lick Lady for hours until her whole body is clean. He loves all children and lets them do anything they want when they’re playing with him. When it comes to me, he follows me where ever I go. When I’m working in my office he’s always right there at my feet, wagging his tail, wiggling his ears and making funny little noises that sound like a purring kitten.

Lady is also real neat, she is always a lady and she struts like a queen. She loves to be mauled and she’ll maul you right back. As big as she is she’s as gentle as can be and she also likes to lay or sit right next to me. She’s somewhat spoiled and likes attention all of the time and you better believe that she gets it, and that’s just fine.

I love my dogs and my dogs love me.
Together we make a happy family.
There’s Charley, Lady, then there’s me
The three of us enjoy each others company.

With these guys in my life I’m never alone.
They both wait at the door for me to get home.
They love to take long walks to the park.
And sometimes we walk the streets after dark.

Ladies a Lab as sweet as she can be.
And my little Charles’s a mystery.
They have their own room in our domain.
A yard where running and romping is their game.

We take care of stray cats in our neighborhood.
We feed and love them and show brotherhood.
Yes there’s lots of love in my little family.
And it’s right up front for all to see.

I think that is how Lady and Charley would tell their story if they could talk Let’s see, I’ve told you about Lady and Charley but that‘s only the beginning of my story. It’s time for me to tell you about Bear my golden retriever.
I have a huge back yard surrounded by a 7 foot fence and a double gate with links and steel. I keep the gate locked always so it’s a safe haven for my animals. I’ll have to paint you a picture to get you in the proper frame of mind. Picture this; it’s the middle of the winter, there’s four feet of snow on the ground and the winds are having conniption fits. Low and behold this 200lb dog shows up just outside the gates but I wouldn’t let him in because I figured he’d eventually go home where he belonged. He was hungry so I put dry food out for him and that seem to appease him. Then I went in the house and forgot all about him. The next morning I grabbed my snow shovel and went outside the gates to clear the driveway and I noticed a large pile of snow along side my truck. I didn’t give it a second thought because the snow had been drifting all through the night leaving large drifts all over the place.

I finished cleaning my driveway then went over to clean my truck and low and behold that big pile of snow started to move. You got that right!! It was Bear (I named him Bear because he looked like a big polar bear). Bear adopted us and now he’s a part of our happy family. “Bear was a gift from God and a real blessing in disguise.”
If you have love in your heart to share the gifts that you give will let the whole world know that you care and if you have love in your home I can promise you that you’ll never be alone. Yes I love one liners and yes, that was mine…
Okay, now you know about Charley, Lady and Bear but my family keeps growing and growing so there is more to this story. Each member is as important as the last and each one with a story.
Sweetheart is comfortably stretched out in her lounge chair making eyes at me so I wink at her and say; “Don’t worry Sweetheart your story is next.”

So now the main focus is on my little sweetheart, Sweetheart. Sweetheart is named Sweetheart because she truly is a sweetheart (Sure a lot of sweethearts laying the foundation). When I was telling you about Lady and Charley she climbed up on the upper most part of her lounger with one ear perked up and the other hanging lazy over her cheek. She kept her big brown eyes on me the whole time I was writing. I think that somehow she knew I wasn’t writing about her. It was like she was jealous in wonderment. I had to keep assuring her that her turn was coming.

Just looking at her with those big brown eyes, one ear up and one ear down and a painted on smile you can’t help but know that she’s a sweetheart.

Any way she’s colored pure gold with a white mask on her face that goes from her snout to her forehead. She’s got what looks like a lazy ear, her tail is shaped like an L and she walks with a slight limp. This is what I’m about to explain…

In 2004 I rented one of my apartments to a young couple who raised Pit Bulls. The young man was Steve his wife’s name was Nicole and they had a 5 year old daughter named Brittney. I’m mentioning this because it will make it easier to tell Sweethearts story.

Sweetheart’s life began with this family and now I am going to reveal the shocking truth.

Sweetheart’s original name was “Fighting Bitch”. What I didn’t know when I rented to Steve was that he raised Pit Bulls to be fighters. The meaner he could make them the better fighters they’d become. It turned out that Steve was a drug addicts a thief and a liar, but that’s another story.

The “Fighting Bitch” as Sweetheart was called was beaten, starved and chained. The beatings were often and torturess and starving her would make her fight for her food. They called her the Bitch and her life was really a BITCH.

Sweetheart had one professional fight and lost to a larger and meaner Pit Bull. Her ear was almost torn from her head, her tail was broken in the middle and her left hind leg had multiple fractures. Had I known what was going on right under my nose I surely would have stopped it, called the humane society and had Steve arrested for animal abuse.

I knew nothing!!

At least not until a domestic problem surfaced. It appears that Steve had a lot of money bet on the “Fighting Bitches” fight, when she lost Steve celebrated by getting obnoxiously drunk, came home and severely beat is wife and daughter. His neighbor called the police and he was arrested for child abuse. I didn’t see Steve again and Nicole took her daughter Brittney, left in the middle of the night and hasn’t been heard or seen since.

When I went in to clean up the apartment a week later I found Sweetheart chained in a closet more dead then alive. She has been a gift and a pleasure given to us through the mercy of God and a prize member of my family ever since.

She is sitting here beside me looking me right in the eye she’s pleased that I finally told her story. For a dog that was trained to be mean she’s got to be the sweetest most loving creature in all of humanity.

Next it’s time for Bobby! I don’t know too much about Bobby only that he was a runaway feeding out of all the garbage cans in the neighborhood and the dog catchers couldn’t catch him. I guess he heard that I loved animals and decided that my place was a good place to settle down. One step ahead of the law and tired of running he jumped the 7 foot fence and refused to leave. This left me with two choices, take him in or turn him over to the law and the law in my neck of the woods executes Pit Bulls.


Since they were young adults they were pretty set in their habits and ways. It was obvious that they had not been given much love and affection because they feared me and were suspicious of all my efforts. It was empathy and compassion that drew me to them at first. The more I worked with them the more I started to care for them.

Charley was a mongrel about four years old and Lady was a pure bred right around three. Both dogs were plumb full of love but they didn’t show it because they didn’t know what love was. It took me about a year to earn their trust and respect before they could really show their love. When they had confidence in themselves and me they started learning in leaps and bounds. Now, there is an unconditional love that has bound us together for ever and ever. Charley and Lady have both become a part of me as well as I them. My home is their home and their home is mine.

Little Charley is really quite an exceptional guy. He shows his love in a good many ways, to Lady, to me and to the neighborhood kids. For example; he’ll wait for Lady to eat her food and if Lady’s still hungry he’ll step aside and let her have his. He’ll lay and lick Lady for hours until her whole body is clean. He loves all children and lets them do anything they want when they’re playing with him. When it comes to me, he follows me where ever I go. When I’m working in my office he’s always right there at my feet, wagging his tail, wiggling his ears and making funny little noises that sound like a purring kitten.

Lady is also real neat, she is always a lady and she struts like a queen. She loves to be mauled and she’ll maul you right back. As big as she is she’s as gentle as can be and she also likes to lay or sit right next to me. She’s somewhat spoiled and likes attention all of the time and you better believe that she gets it, and that’s just fine.

I love my dogs and my dogs love me.
Together we make a happy family.
There’s Charley, Lady, then there’s me
The three of us enjoy each other’s company.

With these guys in my life I’m never alone.
They both wait at the door for me to get home.
They love to take long walks to the park.
And sometimes we walk the streets after dark.

Ladies a Lab as sweet as she can be.
And my little Charles’s a mystery.
They have their own room in our domain.
A yard where running and romping is their game.

We take care of stray cats in our neighborhood.
We feed and love them and show brotherhood.
Yes there’s lots of love in my little family.
And it’s right up front for all to see.

I think that is how Lady and Charley would tell their story if they could talk Let’s see, I’ve told you about Lady and Charley but that‘s only the beginning of my story. It’s time for me to tell you about Bear my golden retriever.
I have a huge back yard surrounded by a 7 foot fence and a double gate with links and steel. I keep the gate locked always so it’s a safe haven for my animals. I’ll have to paint you a picture to get you in the proper frame of mind. Picture this; it’s the middle of the winter, there’s four feet of snow on the ground and the winds are having conniption fits. Low and behold this 200lb dog shows up just outside the gates but I wouldn’t let him in because I figured he’d eventually go home where he belonged. He was hungry so I put dry food out for him and that seem to appease him. Then I went in the house and forgot all about him. The next morning I grabbed my snow shovel and went outside the gates to clear the driveway and I noticed a large pile of snow along side my truck. I didn’t give it a second thought because the snow had been drifting all through the night leaving large drifts all over the place.

I finished cleaning my driveway then went over to clean my truck and low and behold that big pile of snow started to move. You got that right!! It was Bear (I named him Bear because he looked like a big polar bear). Bear adopted us and now he’s a part of our happy family. “Bear was a gift from God and a real blessing in disguise.”
If you have love in your heart to share the gifts that you give will let the whole world know that you care and if you have love in your home I can promise you that you’ll never be alone. Yes I love one liners and yes, that was mine…
Okay, now you know about Charley, Lady and Bear but my family keeps growing and growing so there is more to this story. Each member is as important as the last and each one with a story.
Sweetheart is comfortably stretched out in her lounge chair making eyes at me so I wink at her and say; “Don’t worry Sweetheart your story is next.”

So now the main focus is on my little sweetheart, Sweetheart. Sweetheart is named Sweetheart because she truly is a sweetheart (Sure a lot of sweethearts laying the foundation). When I was telling you about Lady and Charley she climbed up on the upper most part of her lounger with one ear perked up and the other hanging lazy over her cheek. She kept her big brown eyes on me the whole time I was writing. I think that somehow she knew I wasn’t writing about her. It was like she was jealous in wonderment. I had to keep assuring her that her turn was coming.

Just looking at her with those big brown eyes, one ear up and one ear down and a painted on smile you can’t help but know that she’s a sweetheart.

Any way she’s colored pure gold with a white mask on her face that goes from her snout to her forehead. She’s got what looks like a lazy ear, her tail is shaped like an L and she walks with a slight limp. This is what I’m about to explain…

In 2004 I rented one of my apartments to a young couple who raised Pit Bulls. The young man was Steve his wife’s name was Nicole and they had a 5 year old daughter named Brittney. I’m mentioning this because it will make it easier to tell Sweethearts story.

Sweetheart’s life began with this family and now I am going to reveal the shocking truth.

Sweetheart’s original name was “Fighting Bitch”. What I didn’t know when I rented to Steve was that he raised Pit Bulls to be fighters. The meaner he could make them the better fighters they’d become. It turned out that Steve was a drug addicts a thief and a liar, but that’s another story.

The “Fighting Bitch” as Sweetheart was called was beaten, starved and chained. The beatings were often and torturess and starving her would make her fight for her food. They called her the Bitch and her life was really a BITCH.

Sweetheart had one professional fight and lost to a larger and meaner Pit Bull. Her ear was almost torn from her head, her tail was broken in the middle and her left hind leg had multiple fractures. Had I known what was going on right under my nose I surely would have stopped it, called the humane society and had Steve arrested for animal abuse.

I knew nothing!!

At least not until a domestic problem surfaced. It appears that Steve had a lot of money bet on the “Fighting Bitches” fight, when she lost Steve celebrated by getting obnoxiously drunk, came home and severely beat is wife and daughter. His neighbor called the police and he was arrested for child abuse. I didn’t see Steve again and Nicole took her daughter Brittney, left in the middle of the night and hasn’t been heard or seen since.

When I went in to clean up the apartment a week later I found Sweetheart chained in a closet more dead than alive. She has been a gift and a pleasure given to us through the mercy of God and a prize member of my family ever since.

She is sitting here beside me looking me right in the eye she’s pleased that I finally told her story. For a dog that was trained to be mean she’s got to be the sweetest most loving creature in all of humanity.

Next it’s time for Bobby! I don’t know too much about Bobby only that he was a runaway feeding out of all the garbage cans in the neighborhood and the dog catchers couldn’t catch him. I guess he heard that I loved animals and decided that my place was a good place to settle down. One step ahead of the law and tired of running he jumped the 7 foot fence and refused to leave. This left me with two choices, take him in or turn him over to the law and the law in my neck of the woods executes Pit Bulls.


Monday, July 5, 2010


I have a wall to wall TV and all five of my dogs like to stretch out in front of the set and watch the shows. The screen is right across the room from where I do all my writing. Even though I keep the TV on all the time I seldom watch it because I am totally involved writing and taking care of business on my computer. My dogs, well that’s another story, the only thing better then watching TV is their dinner.

I love to write animal stories Whenever I hear an unusual story about animals my writers instinct flurries. Sweetheart my little Bull Terrier came over to my desk and tugged on my pant leg to let me know there was something of interest on TV, she wanted me to watch. Oprah Winfrey who was featuring a story about a white disfigured Bull Dog named Oogy. She had the family that adopted Oogy on her show along with Oogy.

This is their story;

When Oogy was just a puppy his owners raised fighting Bulls. Oogy was a runt and couldn’t be used as a fighter so his owners tied him to a stake and used him as bait for the pit bulls in the fighting ring. The fighting Bulls injured him so bad that his owners threw him in a cage and left him to die. Thank God the police raided the place or he would have died. The police took him to Ardmore Animal Hospital, where he was saved by Dr. Bianco, the hospital veterinarian. He was treated for a severely damage face, the whole side of his face was ripped off, his jaw was crushed and his skull was badly damaged, it was a miracle that he was still alive.

Larry and his twin boys were at the Ardmore Animal Hospital to drop off their cat when Oogy walked down the hall and right into their hearts. Larry said; "He looked like part of him had melted and he just covered us with kisses. It's like he didn't know that anything bad had happened to him, he was so full of love, he jumped right up in our arms."

Oogy had found a new family and he adopted them immediately. It was love at first sight for all of them.

Oogy had found a loving home, but he still had an agonizing road to recovery. A second major surgery was necessary to rebuild Oogy's face and put an end to his chronic pain.

Larry said; "I think that every day my family tries to atone for what happened to Oogy. He's been through the worst imaginable horrors, and we feel very lucky because of what he gives back, he gives us an immeasurable amount of devotion and love."

Larry continues; "I think that Oogy symbolizes to people the indomitable survivor that they see in themselves and that there is love on the other side of adversity."

Larry and Jennifer Levin, Noah and Dan the Levin twins and Oogy are now a happy family. Oogy might not be the prettiest dog, but Oogy's brought everyone more love than anyone can imagine. The twins Noah and Dan say their lives have changed in many different ways all because a dog named Oogy joined their family.

Although Noah and Dan will be off to college soon, Larry plans to make sure Oogy still gets plenty of attention. "One of the things I want to do for Oogy is train him to work with kids and take him to kid's hospitals, because I think he'll be an inspiration to young kids who are facing a lot of adversity."

If your heart's been touched this Valentine's Day and you'd like a little Oogy of your own, there are animals available for adoption in shelters across this country. Oprah; "It's a huge commitment to be a dog owner because it's adding another member to your family. But if you decide that that's what you want to do, they give a lot of love"

Friday, July 2, 2010


NOTE: A car sped pass me on the freeway and a gunny sack flew out it’s window bouncing along side the freeway. I stopped to check it out and inside the bag was four baby Dingo’s. Three dead puppies and one just barely alive. If I could have caught the man responsible I would have thrown him in front of a speeding car. Anyway I buried the three dead puppies and took the live one home and nursed him back to a healthy young Dingo. I named the little guy Freeway. This has nothing to do with this story, it is just something I thought you would like to know.
Hey there, friends and neighbors. Let me tell you all a distressing, story. I recently escaped, unscathed, and unnerved from an awfully dangerous encounter. It was with an Australian Dingo, not a normal Australian Dingo, but an evil Dingo who also happened to be a Werewolf.

It all began when I was driving to work and stopped at a crosswalk to let an old bloke walk by. Then out of nowhere, this blow-in on a scooter behind me started hollering and gave me the middle finger! It was totally crazy, him sitting there on his little two wheeler, the first thing I noticed was that the bloke looked exactly like a rope-able ready to explode! I thought I might be hallucinating, but at the next light the jerk pulled up right next to me and I got a closer look. And I saw it was true. He looked exactly like a bloke in a nightmare. So I rolled down the window and said:

"Hey buddy, Lair it up and rack off? I was just being courteous by letting that bloke cross the street. It's common courtesy so why don't you just hop on your scooter, scurry over to a nice cliff and drop out of sight.?"

Then Australian Dingo Werewolf points and pulls over at the next corner. And, as yours truly never backs down from confrontations with Dingo’s and Werewolves, I followed suit and run off into the ditch...

So there we were, the Australian Dingo Werewolf barking his lungs out, and me, well, I kept telling him to get the hell off his scooter. But the bloke wouldn't do it. This went on for a while, until finally I got tired and backed my car out of the ditch. But the whole incident caused an emotion explosion.

So, this afternoon I took my girlfriend to lunch with her miniature poodle at a cool outdoor restaurant. And guess who waited on us. That's right! I swear! I'm positive! I mean, I'm pretty darn sure that it was the same Australian Dingo Werewolf ! I was staring in shock and could hardly believe my eyes and the Australian Dingo Werewolf pretended to not even recognize me! His whole expression was just blank. I started to panic, because I knew he wanted a pint of my blood.

It was a bad scene, and the chow downers were totally unaware of the danger. I emerged undamaged in the end, but my girl friends miniature poodle thought it was a little weird that I kept making them taste my ice tea. And there was an awkward silence when I told our Australian Dingo Werewolf I'd give him a venomous feed if he promised not to poison my lunch. Of course, that was before I tripped the sucker when he brought over our orders, I thought I made it look like an accident, but you know what? Now that I think about it, I'm wondering if it was actually even the same bloke. I mean, can Australian Dingo Werewolves even drive scooters? Do they know how to wait tables? I don't think so!!

My doctor told me I better quit drinking rubbing and wood alcohol and drink coolaide and lemonaide instead.


This Thought Box is a far cry from most of my Thought Boxes. It's more or less a get to know me, my way of thinking and my love for animals, put into words place. . When I started writing animal stories it was like putting my love on paper for the whole world to see. I've always loved animals and for some special reason animals have always loved me. My home is a favorite habitat for all animals, a refuge where animals can find love and understanding. Let me introduce myself so that you’ll know the one behind this truly amazing change of pace. I’m known as Big Daddy Cash the man with a story to tell. I live in the land of Zion, Salt Lake City, Utah right dab in the middle of the Rockies. I’m retired , I love to read and write and I thrive on the company of four legged people. You might say if you got four legs you’re my kind of people. Most people don’t consider animals people Well I don’t consider most two legged people animals, and that’s a fact!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

True Story


By Big Daddy Cash

My little family was happy and I thought it was complete with Lady, Charley, Sweetheart and me. We all live together in a two bedroom apartment where each of us has our own space. I have an office where I keep all my electronic toys. Lady has her own closet where she can hide during lightning and thunder storms. Charlie’s space is under my desk where he can get all tangled up in the wires and lay on top of my feet and Sweetheart has her own lounge chair and sofa. Now who could ask for anything more?

Recently I bought a king size bed and Lady, Charley and Sweetheart claimed it as theirs before I could even sit on it. Now in order for me to get any sleep I’ve had to learn how to twist and squirm in between them. I feel like a snake slithering into a comfortable place. When I wake up in the morning my kids have all moved around. Charley is under the covers in-between my legs, Lady is stretched out the whole length of the bed laying with her back next to mine and Sweetheart has become my pillow. That’s okay though because I like the feel of their nice warm bodies pushing up against me. I just love our sleeping arrangement, no one has it as good as us four. I love my little guys and they love me and I couldn’t imagine anyone else in our family.

Everything was just how it should be and then one day something unpredictable happened. Maybe our maker has already mapped out our destiny and when he thinks things are running to smoothly he gives them a twist. Who knows?

It was winter and the weather was terrible, snowing and blowing almost all week. My tenants were complaining about the drifted snow on the sidewalks and in the driveway. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t keep them clear the wind kept blowing and drifting the snow quicker than I could shovel. In some places the snow was piled as high as four or five feet and it just kept drifting from one place to another. I tried but I was fighting losing battle. I started shoveling at one end of my property and by the time I got to the other end I had to start all over again.

One evening my dogs and I were out side trying to free the gate to the back yard when Charley started barking at something outside the gate. A large animal that looked like a bear was pacing up and down on the other side of the gate. A closer look and I could see that it was a Golden Retriever the biggest retriever I’d ever laid eyes on. I tried to shoo him away but he wouldn’t go he went over and plopped down under the over hang by my tool shed. Which was probably the only dry place in the neighborhood.

By the looks of him I knew he must have a home and he just wanted to get out of the snow for awhile but I wasn’t about to let him in the yard. However he looked hungry so I gave him a large bowl of dry food and a pan of water. He lapped the food up and wolf down the water like he hadn’t had anything for days. He then laid down closed his eyes and went to sleep. I could see he wasn’t ready to leave not yet anyway.

It was about seven o’clock in the evening and I was expecting my brother and his wife for a surprise birthday party in less then one hour. Some of the guests had already arrived and I still had a lot to do to get ready for the party. I’d done what I could for the retriever so I went in the house and forgot all about the dog who was now sound asleep under the cover of my tool shed.

That night we had the worst storm of the winter lightning and thunder combined with snow and high winds. The winds were so violent that they blew the roof off my work shop and broke out the windows in one of my apartments. My brother and all the guests had to stay all night because the roads were so bad that no one wanted to risk getting stuck and not be able to make it safely home. I had bedrolls and blankets wall to wall in every room in the house. Lady, Charley and Sweetheart were scared of the thunder and lightning so they either hid or stuck right by me all through the night. If any thing could go wrong… it did!

I can’t believe the weather in this crazy state I’ve seen it when it has rained, snowed, sleeted and been sun shiny and beautiful all in the same day. Anyway the next morning the sun was shining and the snow was melting by nine o’clock everybody had gone to there homes. Since everything was normal accept for the mess the storm had left to clean up I decided to fix a large breakfast for me and my family. After wards I’d do what I could to take care of the havoc the storm had created.

When we finished our breakfast I grabbed my snow shovel and went outside to clear the driveway, damn I thought, this is going to take all day. There were piles and piles of snow all over and a specially large pile along side my truck but then there were large piles of snow all over so I didn’t give it a second thought. The snow had been drifting all through the night leaving large drifts, some six foot high..

I finished cleaning my driveway then went over to clean my truck and low and behold that big pile of snow started to move. Oh my God I thought; that must be the big dog from last night, God I forgot all about him.

It was the Golden Retriever he look just like a polar bear coming out of hibernation. I felt so sorry that I had forgotten all about him. He looked so scared and frightened it broke my heart that I had left him out in that lousy weather to fend for his self.

I shook the snow off him then opened the gate and he ran right to my door so I took him inside where it was warm and cozy and dried him in front of the open oven. He was so happy and contented that he purred like a kitten, believe it or not.

All the next week I searched for his owners without any luck. Guess what? This polar bear Golden Retriever had found a new family. I named him Bear because he looked like a big bear when we first seen him and he looked like a polar bear covered in snow. Anyway his name may have been Bear because when I’d call him he’d come running. He adopted us and now we’re a big happy family. Now it’s Lady, Charley, Sweetheart, Bear and me. Now was a year and a half ago.

Bear was a gift from God and a real blessing in disguise. If you have love in your heart to share, the gifts that you give will let the whole world know that you care and if you have love in your home I can promise you that you’ll never be alone. Yes I love one liners and yes , that was mine


This is a true story


By Big Daddy Cash


The Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The is a powerful and muscular dog, very strong for his size with a broad head and very strong jaws. They are very devoted to a point of giving its own life for its master. Usually adored and adoring within its own family circle. Originally used as a pit-fighting dog, it is usually good with other pets in the household, but may be very combative with dogs outside the family, especially dogs of his breed or related breeds. The Staffordshire needs firm and consistent training to curb its instinct to fight with other dogs. They are persistent and active. As a puppy they tend to chew a great deal. Staffords love children. These dogs are not recommended for most families because they need firm, experienced handling and training. They can be difficult to housebreak. Some can be trained for agility and competitive obedience.


I‘m going to tell you a story of a four legged member of my family. She is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier a breed originally raised as a pit-fighter. She’s small but powerful and muscular with a broad head and very strong jaws. She is one of the most beautiful pit bulls I have ever seen. Her big brown eyes one ear up and one ear down and painted on smile is enough to capture anyone’s heart.

Sweetheart is her name and I named her that because she truly is a sweetheart. When I was writing about Lady and Charley (Two of my other dogs) she climbed up on the upper most part of her lounger with one ear perked up and the other hanging lazy over her cheek. She kept her big brown eyes on me the whole time I was writing. I think that somehow she knew I wasn’t writing about her. It was like she was jealous in wonderment. I had to keep assuring her that her turn was coming.

Just looking at her with those big brown eyes, one ear up and one ear down and big loving smile you can’t help but know that she’s a sweetheart.

She is extremely courageous, obedient, intelligent, affectionate, and has a delightful sense of humor. Her colored is pure gold with a white mask on her face that goes from her snout to her forehead. She’s got what looks like a lazy ear, her tail is shaped like an L and she walks with a slight limp. This is what I’m about to explain…

Sweetheart wasn’t much more then a puppy when she joined my family. She came from the home of a man who raised Staffordshire Bull Terriers to be ferocious fighters. From what I can surmise he started training his dogs to fight from the day they were born.

Let me explain how this whole situation came about and how the Bull Terrier became my little sweetheart. A few years ago I rented one of my apartments to a young couple who raised Pit Bulls. The young man was Steve his wife’s name was Nicole and they had a five year old daughter named Brittney. I’m mentioning this because it will make it easier to tell Sweethearts story.

When I rented the apartment to Steve and his family I lived in the basement of my apartment complex with two of my four legged critters. Since I love animals my rent sign read, ‘FOR RENT Animals OK.’ Most rentals don’t allow animals so my apartments are never vacant for more then a day and since I do things my way I usually judge the animals and not the renters, how ever this time was the exception. I didn’t see their animals before accepting them as tenants. It was their little girl Brittney and her polite well mannered behavior that made my decision. I figured if they had such a sweet daughter their animals must be well natured. By that I mean good!

The next thing that happened should have been a warning to me but because of my trusting nature it wasn’t. Steve started building a large dog run along one side of my building, wire meshed fencing topped with barb wire. My whole yard is surrounded with a grape stake fence seven feet tall so I questioned Steve about his dog run and he said he didn’t want his dogs mingling with the other dogs.

Sweethearts life began with this family and now I am going to reveal the shocking truth.

Sweethearts original name was “ Fighting Bitch”. What I didn’t know when I rented to Steve was that he raised Pit Bulls to be fighters. The meaner he could make them the better fighters they’d become. It turned out that Steve was a drug addict a thief and a liar, but that’s another story.

The “Fighting Bitch” as Sweetheart was called was beaten, starved and chained. The beatings were often and brutal and starving her would make her fight for her food. They called her the Bitch and her life was really a BITCH.

Once in a while when Steve was away Brittney would let the Pit Bulls out of the dog run to play with her and romp in the yard. There were three Pits two were real ugly and mean and wouldn’t leave my dogs alone so when their dogs were out I’d lock my dogs in.

Some times Brittney would come down to my apartment to play on one of my computers. For a five year old she amazed me with her computer savvy. Actually she was better on the computer then I. She taught me how to copy and patch and how to navigate using the keyboard. She used to call me Grand Pappy Cash, she was such a delight and always good company. But she was a sad little girl who had learned how to hide her sadness.

One day she came down to my house in tears and I asked her what was the problem. She replied; “That Bitch just has to fight or else…” I scolded her for swearing and she said; “Daddy Grand Daddy, I’m not swearing my dogs name is Bitch, Fighting Bitch.”

Sweetheart had one professional fight and lost to a larger and meaner Pit Bull. Her ear was almost torn from her head, her tail was broken in the middle and her left hind leg had multiple fractures. Had I known what was going on right under my nose I surely would have stopped it, called the humane society and had Steve arrested for animal abuse.

I knew nothing!!

At least not until a domestic problem surfaced. It appears that Steve had a lot of money bet on the “Fighting Bitches” fight, when she lost Steve celebrated by getting obnoxiously drunk, came home and severely beat is wife and daughter. His neighbor called the police and he was arrested for child abuse. I didn’t see Steve again and Nicole took her daughter Brittney, left in the middle of the night and hasn’t been heard or seen since.

When I went in to clean up the apartment a week later I found Sweetheart chained in a closet more dead then alive. She has been a gift and a pleasure given to us through the mercy of God and a prize member of my family ever since.

She is sitting here beside me looking me right in the eye she’s pleased that I finally told her story. For a dog that was trained to be mean she’s got to be the sweetest most loving creature in all of humanity.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


It was late; I was damn tired and smelled worse than a dead cow. Haywagon my trusty four legged companion was breathing heavy and about ready to drop. All of a sudden a voice came out of thin air,

“Mr. you better be wearing and you better be quicker than grease lightning.”

Wait a minute!

I’m not ready to tell this story, this comes later. I’ve been waiting all day to tell you about Seabiscuit. I saw the movie. "WOW"!I've been reminiscing again. Memories are priceless.

As a horse lover and child during the depression of the thirties I can recall many stories about Seabiscuit who set the American epic of triumph and perseverance during the Great Depression.

I know my family suffered dearly during this depression. I can remember stories how my grandfather Soren Neve lost millions over night when the stock market crashed.

People were devastated by their losses and mass suicides occurred through out the land. Hitler was killing Jews by the millions and the whole world was in dismay.

Though the world was full of heartbreak and tragedy prevailed, a truly amazing story about a funny looking horse called Seabiscuit emerged.

Exhausted by the everyday struggle of making a living, people were looking for a diversion, and many found it at the racetrack. Seabiscuit was making his debut. He was the most unlikely candidate for a champion on the whole racing scene. He had the appearance of a hay burner, bow legged, crooked knees, and way to short.

Everything seem to be against this four legged critter including his trainer a mustang breaker, and his owner a bicycle repairman, last but not least his jockey was a broken-down prizefighter.

Against all odds this lovely little horse was winning not only races but the hearts of the racing fans the world over. In 1938, a year of world wide turmoil and mass denial, the number one news maker wasn't Franklin Roosevelt or Adolf Hitler. It wasn't even Clark Gable or the Duke… It was an undersized, crooked-legged racehorse. Owned by a bicycle-repairman, trained by a virtually mute, rough-shod, mustang breaker, and ridden by a half-blind has been prizefighter.

The racehorse was Seabiscuit. The American public's fascination with Seabiscuit was mostly fired by an ongoing and misplaced belief that the racehorse was far less capable than he proved to be.

Seabiscuit was regarded as some what of an underdog even long after the smart bets should have been placed on him. Consequently, this "underdog" kept posting impressive victories, which worked to heighten the impression of horse racing fans that they were witnessing nothing short of a four-legged miracle.

Well, by now you’re asking yourselves why Big Daddy Cash is writing an article about all of this. Plain as can be there’s a new movie coming out called Seabiscuit and from the previews I’ve seen it’s going to be the best of 2003.

I seen the first movie about this wonderful horse starring Shirley Temple and I've never forgotten it even though it was mostly fantasy. (Most of you readers are too young to remember Shirley Temple, she was my favorite child actor her and a young lad named Jimmy Boyd.)

Before I end what I have begun here's just a little more trivia on this four legged miracle; In 1938, a match race against War Admiral son of that great champion Man Of War, was sought and arranged. (A match race is a far better test of the abilities of any two horses, because interference of other contestants plays no part in the result.) As to how little the racing world thought of five-and-a-half-year-old Seabiscuit's chances against four-year-old War Admiral, reportedly not a single sportswriter in America voiced the opinion that the little horse from the west would win, and only one of them even dared to opine that Seabiscuit could at least make a close a race of it.

Yet win Seabiscuit did, by four lengths. Seabiscuit died in 1947. His lifetime earnings were $437,730 across a career in which he won 33 races and set 13 track records at eight different tracks over six different distances. Go see this movie this is one you don't want to miss. Who says? Big Daddy Cash cause Big Daddy Knows

Friday, June 25, 2010


Before I tell you this true story I’d like to paint you a picture that will set the foundation of what took place in my home on Sept. 11, 2008. Oddly enough it was the seventh anniversary of the attack by Islamic extremists on the World Trade Center in New York City. Around mid night on the tenth I had finished an article paying tribute to the victims of this tragedy, that’s why the date is so vivid in my mind. It was three o’clock the morning of the eleventh when the story I’m about to tell you took place

Now for the picture I want you to see and acknowledge. There are five dogs that live with me in a small two bedroom apartment where normally we are happy and content. However in the past six months two of my dogs have fallen prey to extreme health disabilities. The oldest, Bear, has lost the use of his extremities and the smallest, Charley, has gone blind do to a diabetic disorder. The other three dogs are fine but it’s hard for them to understand why I have to spend so much time taking care of the two dogs that need special treatment to survive.

Bear is a fourteen year old two hundred pound Golden Retriever that exists only for constant love and attention.

Charley needs some help but he is becoming accustomed to his blindness and gets around quite well.

Now that I’ve laid the foundation it’s time to get on with my story.

On the morning of September the tenth Bear had bad diarrhea and discharged watery feces all over him and our living room. Pardon the expression but you’ll have to use your imagination to see how much shit hit the fan in our little living room. Visualize this; a two hundred pound water pump gone wild.

Between trips to the bathroom to throw up it took me three hours to clean up the room and I hadn’t even started on Bear. I had to employ the help of a tenant to help me carry Bear outside where I could shampoo him and hose him down. I dried him off the best that I could with the towels I had. Then I decided to leave him out in the sun to dry completely. It was close to ninety degrees so I wasn’t worried about him catching cold, besides he was enjoying all the attention.

Seeing that I used all of the towels I had to clean up the mess and dry Bear I had two large loads to wash while Bear finished drying in the sun. When Bear was dry my tenant helped me carry him in and we put him on his eight by ten rubber mat with a couple wool blankets to make him comfy and cozy. He went right to sleep and slept the rest of the day, comfortable and as clean as clean can be.

Normally I spend most of the night writing poems and short stories but I was exhausted so I went to bed early around ten o’clock. The rest of my four legged family all sleep with me accept for Charley, he cuddles up with Bear. I fell into a deep sleep that would have taken no less than a thunderstorm or a locomotive roaring through the house to waken me.

Well, it all happened at three o’clock in the morning, all the dogs were barking Bear was whimpering and crying and my first thought was somebody had broken into our home. I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room and quickly turned the lights on. Oh my God, what I saw was horrific, unbelievable and frightening. Never in all my mind’s eye could I imagine something so gruesome, sickening, shocking and horrendous. It was like I was witnessing a science fiction movie with little creatures invading the earth, it was all way beyond the figment of my imagination.

There the intruders were, completely covering Charley and Bear and the floor all around them. Millions of little white worms were feasting on the bodies of Charley and Bear. Oh my God, this was a night mare, it couldn’t be happening. Holy Mother of God it was! Oh God help me what am I going to do, I heard myself muttering over and over again.

There was no time to wonder where they had come from I had to get rid of them fast before they devoured my family. They had declared war and had won the first battle but I’ll be damned if I was going to let them win the war. I threw myself right into the middle of the swarming little monsters and started brushing them away from Charley and Bear. For every one I brushed away ten to twenty more would take their place. The little bastards were winning; somehow I had to find the way to turn the tables. I ran into the pantry, opened the chemical closet and grabbed a can of ant and roach killer. I knew darn well it was toxic and could poison my animals but I had no choice they were being eaten alive. This battle started shortly after three and it was now four and I still hadn’t made any progress.

I had to get something that would work by now these little monsters were all over the house and rapidly increasing. I had to retreat and find new weapons that would work. I retreated as fast as I could to my storage shed out in my back yard. I grabbed a large shop vacuum and a new Dyson vacuum that was still in the box, a can of insect repellant, a can of weed killer and a large can of Raid bug spray.

When I returned to the front I noticed that Charley had freed himself and had shaken off most of those nasty white creatures. He was cowering in a kitchen corner where only a few hundred of those little monsters had gathered. I also noticed that many of the little warriors lie dead or were dying where I had sprayed around Bear. However they were multiplying so fast that now there was twice as many as before.

I grabbed Charley took him into the bathroom shower, vacuumed most of the remaining bugs off him and closed the shower so no bugs could get in. I left him there and returned to the front. With a can of weed killer in one hand and Raid in the other I started spraying those crawly white invaders as fast as I could, all the time trying to keep the spray away from Bears face and especially his nose. I don’t know whether it was the weed killer or the Raid that was working but the little white monster were dropping dead by the thousands and I actually mean thousands.

Given time for a second breath I started vacuuming up the dead bodies as well as the live. Almost six o’clock and now I could see victory. I was winning; oh my God I was winning this war. My shop vacuum holds twenty pounds and each time I’d fill it I’d empty it in the irrigation ditch that runs across my back yard. I lost track of the number of times I emptied it but I know I must have dumped at least a hundred pounds of dead bugs in the ditch. You can bet your life I’m not going to have a memorial service for those little bastards.

By seven o’clock I had won the war but the damage done was overwhelming poor Bear was covered with wounds, more like holes in his body up to an inch deep and two inches wide. He has sores on his face ears and neck but the worse ones are down the middle of his back where the hair crops. He also has bad sores on his anus and penis making it real painful when he has to use the bathroom. Charley for some reason was left with only one irritating wound right on the tip of his penis.

It has been several days since this tragic event and neither dog will eat solid food. It took a lot of patience to get them to drink broths. It is possible that they have toxic poisoning from the insect sprays; I had to use to kill the bugs.

I talked to the vet and he says the toxic poison will wear off it just takes time. The sores where the bugs had eaten the flesh needed to be watched for infection and treated with a good antiseptic to avoid further problems. I asked him what kind of flesh eating bug did this horrible thing and he said he thought they were lice. I said they looked more like maggots but he said that maggots don’t usually eat live flesh. I still think they were maggots, maybe a new breed of warrior maggots.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Once in a while a good story falls out of the blue right into your lap. I was meditating at my keyboard wondering what I could come up with next on Treasured Stories. My computer signals me when I get new email with a pop up flag and a ding dong. I got a pop up and a ding dong from Wendy Brady with one of the most amazing stories I have ever heard. It was about a darling little dog that was born with two hind legs and a badly deformed front leg. To say this little gal was incredible would be selling her short, there is no word to describe her but the closest I can come up with is extremely-extraordinaire

After reading Wendy’s article I knew I had to know more so I started a research search on the internet. I researched dozens of three legged animals and most of them had really fantastic stories to tell but this little dog, who was given the name Faith, was the brightest star of them all.

Faith was born in the year 2002, her mother was a Chinese Chow named Princess. Princes wasn’t a caring mother and neglected her handicapped daughter and Faith was barely able to fend for herself. Fighting for her survival with her sibling brothers and sisters was a losing battle and Faith was near death when Jesus stepped in to save her. If her present owners son hadn’t found her in a flea market she would have died.

Jude Stringfellow, the present owner, named the little fellow Faith because she had faith that with Gods help she could make her well and teach her to walk. Not long after Faith was adopted by the Stringfellow family she was operated on and her deformed leg was removed.

With the loving care of her new owners faith started to learn in leaps and bounds. Her courage gave her strength and a strong will to survive, so it wasn’t long before she was walking on her two legs and fending for herself with the other four legged critters in her new environment.

Faiths courage and determination led her to many amazing accomplishments. She became a therapy dog for the United States Army and was awarded an Honorary Commission. She was also honored by the Humane Society Walk of Fame.

A poor little deformed dog overcame all the roadblocks she had to face and became a national hero.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A love Story of a Different Kind

  • A love Story of a Different Kind

    By Big Daddy Cash

    I said that I wouldn't be able to write another love story, but that isn't quite true. There's love in my heart whatever I do! I do have another story but it's not of the romantic nature, it's about true love of a different kind.

    A few years ago two little guys came to live with me and a love and a bond was born that will last through eternity. If you know anything about my family you know that I'm referring to Lady and Charley. I lost my first Lady about a year before these two sweethearts were destined to join me.

    When I lost Lady One, I swore I would never let another four legged friend steal my heart again. What can I say...?
    It happened! And here's how it happened..............

    I have a brother who had two dogs that he couldn't take care of because of his crazy life style. He told me that he was going to take them to the humane society and have them put to sleep. He knew that I had, had a Lab. (Labrador Retriever) that was a constant companion of mine for 14 years. He also knew that I had a great affection for all animals. When he approached me with the proposition that I take the Lab, I gave him a positive no. No., No., No!

    This was on a weekend and he planned to take them to the pound on the following Monday.

    Needless to say, that weekend I didn't get much sleep, thinking about those two poor animals that were going to be killed. How could I not give them a home, not just the Lab. but both of them? Their survival was left entirely up to me. By the way, this is very similar to the way that my first Lady, Lady One became a part of my life.

    Well, the first thing Monday morning, I called my brother and told him to bring both dogs over. I told him I'd keep them until I could find them a home.

    The dogs weren't house broken as a matter of fact they weren't very well trained at all. I was told it was because the dogs were dumb and unable to learn. Nothing was ever further from the truth. It was an assumption that some people make when they are incapable of showing true love to animals.

    Since they were young adults they were pretty set in their habits and ways. It was obvious that they had not been given much love and affection because they feared me and were suspicious of all my efforts.

    It was empathy and compassion that drew me to them at first. The more I worked with them the more I started to care for them.

    When they first came to me Charley was a mongrel about four years old and Lady was a pure bred right around three.

    Both dogs were plumb full of love but they didn't show it because they didn't know what love was.

    It took me about a year to earn their trust and respect before they could really show their love. When they had confidence in themselves and me they started learning in leaps and bounds.

    Now, there is an unconditional love that has bound us together for ever and ever. Charley and Lady have both become a part of me as well as I them. My home is their home and their home is mine.

    Little Charley is really quite an exceptional guy. He shows his love in a good many ways, to Lady, to Me and to the neighborhood kids. For example; he'll wait for Lady to eat her food and if Lady's still hungry he'll step a side and let her have his. He'll lay and lick Lady for hours until her whole body is clean. He loves all children and lets them do anything they want when they're playing with him. When it comes to me, he follows me where ever I go. When I'm working in my office he's always right there at my feet, wagging his tail, wiggling his ears and making funny little noises that sound like a purring kitten.

    Lady is also real neat, she is always a lady and she struts like a queen. She loves to be mauled and she'll maul you right back. As big as she is she's as gentle as can be and she also likes to lay or sit right next to me. She's somewhat spoiled and likes attention all of the time and you better believe that she gets it, and that's just fine.

Lady and Fluffy

Be patient my friends, I'm busy writing a story, it will be done soon.. WOLF, WOLF!!

BDC is at the Pearly Gates talking to Saint Bernard. He's going to take me back down to earth as soon as the proper arrangements are made. In the meantime I'm writing a story about a lady Singaporean and her four legged family. Cash says I write like an Angel, he's got that right! See ya all soon. Lady the Angel from Animal Heaven.


I hope you enjoy my story, it’s written from a dog’s point of view. We dogs see things different then you two legged critters do. When I visited earth a few months ago I had to go back in the body of a little white mouse because my body had decomposed and turned to ashes. When I returned to heaven I was chased by a Manx cat with a tattoo of Australia right on her butt, I won’t forget the day she almost ate me. Anyway St Bernard has returned me to the body of a black lab so now I can be myself; I’m not a damn mouse anymore.
The name of the cat that chased me is Fluffy she was born in a place called Singapore. She lived there until she moved to heaven two years ago. As a rule in animal heaven all animals, no matter what kind, or breed, get along, even mice. I guess I don’t hate mice; I just don’t want to be one.
Fluffy and I became friends right from the get go, first she wanted to eat me and then she wanted to greet me, now we share stories. She tells me all kinds of things, for instance she says she would rather chase a lizard then a mouse any old time, she calls them geckos. I ain’t never heard of that before.
One day she cuddled up along side of me and purred out, “Lady you are so sweet you remind me of my buddy Mink, he was a dog much like you. I remember when we were kids we would play hide and seek, gee whiz I miss him.” I patted her on the butt and told her I’d be her friend through all eternity. She smiled and purred; “Oh Lady, I like that.”
Fluffy likes to reminisce, she misses her mummy and three life time companions, Mink, Yoda and Mexi with a passion. She had all kinds of memories about her earthly experiences. She was happiest when she was talking about her friends on earth. She and I feel so much the same; sometimes we would share stories all night long.
We are going to look for Mink and Mexi tomorrow, we were told they reside someplace up here in heaven. Fluffy is overjoyed and is having an emotion explosion about a reunion. Gee whiz cat’s sure to get excited. Us dogs just take things as they come, I always look for the worst and hope for the best, something like that.
I'm anxious to meet Mink and Mexi, they sound like my kind of critters from what Fluffy has told me we can all romp and play together. Anyway they shouldn’t be too hard to find there are only ten trillion dogs up here.
“Come on Fluffy, let’s eat a good breakfast and get started.”
“I’m ready Lady; I’ve been ready for hours.”
“Okay Fluffy, we’ll go just as soon as I have a big juicy T-bone.”

We searched for Fluff’s lost family for over a week. Finally we heard from a stranger that they lived on the far side of heaven in a place called Eden. Saint Bernard told me all about Eden he said there were cascading waterfalls, beautiful tall oak trees and glorious gardens. So Fluffy and I decided that was the place for us. Although all of animal heaven is beautiful some places are more so than others.
Fluffy sure is a curious cat, she asks more questions then there are ants in an ant hill or bees in a hive. I don’t always have the answers but I do my best to make her think I do, after all Labradors are known for their smartness.
Tomorrow we’ll make the trek to Eden, Max; our friend the donkey has offered to pull us there in his cart. Tonight there’s a going away party, especially for us and all the different kinds of animals will be there. I’m glad cause I can tell my stories and everyone can laugh at my jokes.
Well, we got a party to go to, farewells to make and we need time for rest so I'm going to continue this another time at another place. When I return I'll tell you what I know about Yoda. ___________

Meanwhile Big Daddy is still trying to persuade Saint Bernard to let me go back to earth for a two week vacation. However Saint Bernard see’s my affection for Miss Fluffy and would like me to stay until she feels more at ease. Actually she has been here longer then I have but because of her bond with mummy, she’s finding it very difficult to adjust. Maybe, just maybe Big Daddy can convince St. Bernard that I need time off from being an angel. It sure would be nice to spend some quality time with my best friend and one time master.
From what Fluffy has told me about Yoda, he was adopted by mummy about nine years ago. He was abandoned with his siblings and left in an old trolley to die. Mummy took him in and gave him love and affection and used what she learned training Mexi to teach him. By the way did I tell you that mummy is a school teacher, not just for critters but for humans as well. She had Yoda obeying commands when he was only five months old. What I really found interesting is how he would sit patiently in front of his food and not touch it until mummy blessed it. When she said Amen that meant it was alright to eat. Of course being a dog myself, I know how smart we canines are. However, sometimes playing dumb is advantageous.

Well, miricals do happen, Fluffy is back with with her family of canine friends and she's now happy and contented. At the moment she is playing marbles with Mexi and Mink, they are all laughing and having a ball. Earlier I played frisbee with Mink and Mexi cheered us on. Saint Bernard has finally given his consent for me to return to earth for a two weeks vacation with Big Daddy Cash. So in the long run everything turned out peaches and cream.

Lady Tells Her Story

Now I’m going to show you just how smart my Lady Lab is, believe it or not she wrote you a story. Go ahead Lady, tell them your story.

My name is Lady and I'm a big black Lab., not really that big I was the runt of the liter. I guess for a Lab I'm small, but I think I'm pretty big. Cash brought me in from outside so that I could tell my story, he always tries to show off my smarts, that's one of the reasons that I love him so much.

Well, for a dog and I never was treated like one, I have a very good memory. I can take you all the way back to when I first became a part of Cashes life.

My brothers and sisters were from the highest pedigree line of pure bred animals that were raised to be show dogs. Unfortunately for me, I was the runt so I didn't belong. My breeders were going to have me put away and I remember that day well, I wanted to live.

They had already called the veterinarian and he was going to euthanize me, whatever that was, it sure didn't sound good. Anyway my breeders were on their way out the door, with me in a cage, when they ran into a neighbor who told them about a guy down the street who had just lost his companion a dog named Brock.

They decided to see if he would take me. You don't know how happy this made me. My heart was thumping and my tail was wagging as they knocked on Cashes front door.

My world came to an end when Cash told them that he didn't want me, that the loss of Brock was to hard to take and he didn’t want to get that close to another living thing. They said;

"That’s OK we have an appointment to have her put away." Cashes reply was…

"You can't do that I'll find her a home."

Oh thank God, I had found my home. I would make Cash love me so much that he'd never give me away and that's when I became Cashes very best friend and constant companion.

My first real home was on Roosevelt Ave in a small suburb called Sugar House. Boy was I a lucky dog. Cash and I took to each other right off the get go, and that's the truth.

My new home was really nice and cozy. Cash gave me run of the whole house and it was lots of fun exploring the closets and under the beds, sometimes I'd find the neatest things to chew on or take outside and bury.

I remember once finding a real nice boot under the bed and I assumed that Cash had left it there for me to play with while he was away so I chewed on it the biggest part of the day.

Wow, they say that only dogs get mad and people get angry. Not true! Cash really totaled out. Gosh, I never heard so many new words and he ranted and raved for days.

He said all his life he'd wanted Tony Lamas so he finally bought a pair and now he only had the left one to wear. He was so angry that I thought he would never get glad. I knew I had done wrong and I really was sad, but Cash finally got over it and then I was glad.

Cash said many times that no dog would ever measure up to his Brock, so my greatest desire was to prove him wrong. I wanted to be the best I could be, so my master Cash would really love me.

I remember one time when I pooped under the living room table and Cash scolded me and put me outside for the longest time.

Then there was another time when I pooped in a shoe, ha...ha...ha...This I have to tell you about, it's really a funny. There was this salesman Cash new that was really obnoxious, when he visited us he would take off his shoes and put them along side the couch and they would stink up the whole house. Well I had to go really bad and there were these shoes that smelled just like shit so I plopped a good one right into one of them.

Wait a minute I'm not through yet! I'm just getting to the best part. The guy got ready to leave and put on his shoes and you should have seen the expression on his face as the poop oozed out around the top of his shoe.

Cash laughed so hard that he rolled on the floor and that guy never came back to our house any more.

When I was little I was always doing things that would upset Cash, not on purpose I want you to know, and I think it was just the puppy in me. Another thing I want you to know is that when I did bad things Cash never hit me but boy could he give a French Blessing and sometimes they'd last for days.

It took me about a year before I grew out of my mischievous ways and we both managed to survive.

I grew to love my master, Cash, more and more with each passing day. I wanted him to be proud of me and love me in the same way. I tried real hard to learn to do all the things that would please him.

Jack, our mailman trained me to take in the mail, he worked with me for weeks until I had it just right. Jack would hand me the mail and I would deliver it right to Cashes favorite chair. Soon I started doing the same thing with the newspaper. My reward was a pat on the head and the simple phrase, "Good Girl."

Sometimes Cash would talk to me like I was human and could understand all that he was saying. I learned to nod or shake my head when he was talking to me, an even though I couldn't understand every word, he thought I could. Usually by his actions or his expressions I knew what he wanted…

You know, it was pretty obvious that Cash liked us four legged creatures better than he did you two legged ones because he always treated us so much better.

I never saw him hit an animal but I seen him beat up many a human. Cash had a real bad temper but he never lost it on me or any of my kind.

Hi there stranger, my name is Rex. I have been abandoned and I'm looking for someone to love me. There are dogs just like me in animal shelters all over America. We don't want to be put to sleep, we want to live, we need a home. Please visit the animal shelter near you and adopt a four legged companion. You'll never be sorry you did...