Be patient my friends, I'm busy writing a story, it will be done soon.. WOLF, WOLF!!
BDC is at the Pearly Gates talking to Saint Bernard. He's going to take me back down to earth as soon as the proper arrangements are made. In the meantime I'm writing a story about a lady Singaporean and her four legged family. Cash says I write like an Angel, he's got that right! See ya all soon. Lady the Angel from Animal Heaven.
I hope you enjoy my story, it’s written from a dog’s point of view. We dogs see things different then you two legged critters do. When I visited earth a few months ago I had to go back in the body of a little white mouse because my body had decomposed and turned to ashes. When I returned to heaven I was chased by a Manx cat with a tattoo of Australia right on her butt, I won’t forget the day she almost ate me. Anyway St Bernard has returned me to the body of a black lab so now I can be myself; I’m not a damn mouse anymore.
The name of the cat that chased me is Fluffy she was born in a place called Singapore. She lived there until she moved to heaven two years ago. As a rule in animal heaven all animals, no matter what kind, or breed, get along, even mice. I guess I don’t hate mice; I just don’t want to be one.
Fluffy and I became friends right from the get go, first she wanted to eat me and then she wanted to greet me, now we share stories. She tells me all kinds of things, for instance she says she would rather chase a lizard then a mouse any old time, she calls them geckos. I ain’t never heard of that before.
One day she cuddled up along side of me and purred out, “Lady you are so sweet you remind me of my buddy Mink, he was a dog much like you. I remember when we were kids we would play hide and seek, gee whiz I miss him.” I patted her on the butt and told her I’d be her friend through all eternity. She smiled and purred; “Oh Lady, I like that.”
Fluffy likes to reminisce, she misses her mummy and three life time companions, Mink, Yoda and Mexi with a passion. She had all kinds of memories about her earthly experiences. She was happiest when she was talking about her friends on earth. She and I feel so much the same; sometimes we would share stories all night long.
We are going to look for Mink and Mexi tomorrow, we were told they reside someplace up here in heaven. Fluffy is overjoyed and is having an emotion explosion about a reunion. Gee whiz cat’s sure to get excited. Us dogs just take things as they come, I always look for the worst and hope for the best, something like that.
I'm anxious to meet Mink and Mexi, they sound like my kind of critters from what Fluffy has told me we can all romp and play together. Anyway they shouldn’t be too hard to find there are only ten trillion dogs up here.
“Come on Fluffy, let’s eat a good breakfast and get started.”
“I’m ready Lady; I’ve been ready for hours.”
“Okay Fluffy, we’ll go just as soon as I have a big juicy T-bone.”
We searched for Fluff’s lost family for over a week. Finally we heard from a stranger that they lived on the far side of heaven in a place called Eden. Saint Bernard told me all about Eden he said there were cascading waterfalls, beautiful tall oak trees and glorious gardens. So Fluffy and I decided that was the place for us. Although all of animal heaven is beautiful some places are more so than others.
Fluffy sure is a curious cat, she asks more questions then there are ants in an ant hill or bees in a hive. I don’t always have the answers but I do my best to make her think I do, after all Labradors are known for their smartness.
Tomorrow we’ll make the trek to Eden, Max; our friend the donkey has offered to pull us there in his cart. Tonight there’s a going away party, especially for us and all the different kinds of animals will be there. I’m glad cause I can tell my stories and everyone can laugh at my jokes.
Well, we got a party to go to, farewells to make and we need time for rest so I'm going to continue this another time at another place. When I return I'll tell you what I know about Yoda. ___________
Meanwhile Big Daddy is still trying to persuade Saint Bernard to let me go back to earth for a two week vacation. However Saint Bernard see’s my affection for Miss Fluffy and would like me to stay until she feels more at ease. Actually she has been here longer then I have but because of her bond with mummy, she’s finding it very difficult to adjust. Maybe, just maybe Big Daddy can convince St. Bernard that I need time off from being an angel. It sure would be nice to spend some quality time with my best friend and one time master.
From what Fluffy has told me about Yoda, he was adopted by mummy about nine years ago. He was abandoned with his siblings and left in an old trolley to die. Mummy took him in and gave him love and affection and used what she learned training Mexi to teach him. By the way did I tell you that mummy is a school teacher, not just for critters but for humans as well. She had Yoda obeying commands when he was only five months old. What I really found interesting is how he would sit patiently in front of his food and not touch it until mummy blessed it. When she said Amen that meant it was alright to eat. Of course being a dog myself, I know how smart we canines are. However, sometimes playing dumb is advantageous.
Well, miricals do happen, Fluffy is back with with her family of canine friends and she's now happy and contented. At the moment she is playing marbles with Mexi and Mink, they are all laughing and having a ball. Earlier I played frisbee with Mink and Mexi cheered us on. Saint Bernard has finally given his consent for me to return to earth for a two weeks vacation with Big Daddy Cash. So in the long run everything turned out peaches and cream.
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