Monday, July 5, 2010


I have a wall to wall TV and all five of my dogs like to stretch out in front of the set and watch the shows. The screen is right across the room from where I do all my writing. Even though I keep the TV on all the time I seldom watch it because I am totally involved writing and taking care of business on my computer. My dogs, well that’s another story, the only thing better then watching TV is their dinner.

I love to write animal stories Whenever I hear an unusual story about animals my writers instinct flurries. Sweetheart my little Bull Terrier came over to my desk and tugged on my pant leg to let me know there was something of interest on TV, she wanted me to watch. Oprah Winfrey who was featuring a story about a white disfigured Bull Dog named Oogy. She had the family that adopted Oogy on her show along with Oogy.

This is their story;

When Oogy was just a puppy his owners raised fighting Bulls. Oogy was a runt and couldn’t be used as a fighter so his owners tied him to a stake and used him as bait for the pit bulls in the fighting ring. The fighting Bulls injured him so bad that his owners threw him in a cage and left him to die. Thank God the police raided the place or he would have died. The police took him to Ardmore Animal Hospital, where he was saved by Dr. Bianco, the hospital veterinarian. He was treated for a severely damage face, the whole side of his face was ripped off, his jaw was crushed and his skull was badly damaged, it was a miracle that he was still alive.

Larry and his twin boys were at the Ardmore Animal Hospital to drop off their cat when Oogy walked down the hall and right into their hearts. Larry said; "He looked like part of him had melted and he just covered us with kisses. It's like he didn't know that anything bad had happened to him, he was so full of love, he jumped right up in our arms."

Oogy had found a new family and he adopted them immediately. It was love at first sight for all of them.

Oogy had found a loving home, but he still had an agonizing road to recovery. A second major surgery was necessary to rebuild Oogy's face and put an end to his chronic pain.

Larry said; "I think that every day my family tries to atone for what happened to Oogy. He's been through the worst imaginable horrors, and we feel very lucky because of what he gives back, he gives us an immeasurable amount of devotion and love."

Larry continues; "I think that Oogy symbolizes to people the indomitable survivor that they see in themselves and that there is love on the other side of adversity."

Larry and Jennifer Levin, Noah and Dan the Levin twins and Oogy are now a happy family. Oogy might not be the prettiest dog, but Oogy's brought everyone more love than anyone can imagine. The twins Noah and Dan say their lives have changed in many different ways all because a dog named Oogy joined their family.

Although Noah and Dan will be off to college soon, Larry plans to make sure Oogy still gets plenty of attention. "One of the things I want to do for Oogy is train him to work with kids and take him to kid's hospitals, because I think he'll be an inspiration to young kids who are facing a lot of adversity."

If your heart's been touched this Valentine's Day and you'd like a little Oogy of your own, there are animals available for adoption in shelters across this country. Oprah; "It's a huge commitment to be a dog owner because it's adding another member to your family. But if you decide that that's what you want to do, they give a lot of love"

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