Once in a while a good story falls out of the blue right into your lap. I was meditating at my keyboard wondering what I could come up with next on Treasured Stories. My computer signals me when I get new email with a pop up flag and a ding dong. I got a pop up and a ding dong from Wendy Brady with one of the most amazing stories I have ever heard. It was about a darling little dog that was born with two hind legs and a badly deformed front leg. To say this little gal was incredible would be selling her short, there is no word to describe her but the closest I can come up with is extremely-extraordinaire
After reading Wendy’s article I knew I had to know more so I started a research search on the internet. I researched dozens of three legged animals and most of them had really fantastic stories to tell but this little dog, who was given the name Faith, was the brightest star of them all.
Faith was born in the year 2002, her mother was a Chinese Chow named Princess. Princes wasn’t a caring mother and neglected her handicapped daughter and Faith was barely able to fend for herself. Fighting for her survival with her sibling brothers and sisters was a losing battle and Faith was near death when Jesus stepped in to save her. If her present owners son hadn’t found her in a flea market she would have died.
Jude Stringfellow, the present owner, named the little fellow Faith because she had faith that with Gods help she could make her well and teach her to walk. Not long after Faith was adopted by the Stringfellow family she was operated on and her deformed leg was removed.
With the loving care of her new owners faith started to learn in leaps and bounds. Her courage gave her strength and a strong will to survive, so it wasn’t long before she was walking on her two legs and fending for herself with the other four legged critters in her new environment.
Faiths courage and determination led her to many amazing accomplishments. She became a therapy dog for the United States Army and was awarded an Honorary Commission. She was also honored by the Humane Society Walk of Fame.
A poor little deformed dog overcame all the roadblocks she had to face and became a national hero.
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