A love Story of a Different Kind

- A love Story of a Different Kind
By Big Daddy Cash
I said that I wouldn't be able to write another love story, but that isn't quite true. There's love in my heart whatever I do! I do have another story but it's not of the romantic nature, it's about true love of a different kind.
A few years ago two little guys came to live with me and a love and a bond was born that will last through eternity. If you know anything about my family you know that I'm referring to Lady and Charley. I lost my first Lady about a year before these two sweethearts were destined to join me.
When I lost Lady One, I swore I would never let another four legged friend steal my heart again. What can I say...?
It happened! And here's how it happened..............
I have a brother who had two dogs that he couldn't take care of because of his crazy life style. He told me that he was going to take them to the humane society and have them put to sleep. He knew that I had, had a Lab. (Labrador Retriever) that was a constant companion of mine for 14 years. He also knew that I had a great affection for all animals. When he approached me with the proposition that I take the Lab, I gave him a positive no. No., No., No!
This was on a weekend and he planned to take them to the pound on the following Monday.
Needless to say, that weekend I didn't get much sleep, thinking about those two poor animals that were going to be killed. How could I not give them a home, not just the Lab. but both of them? Their survival was left entirely up to me. By the way, this is very similar to the way that my first Lady, Lady One became a part of my life.
Well, the first thing Monday morning, I called my brother and told him to bring both dogs over. I told him I'd keep them until I could find them a home.
The dogs weren't house broken as a matter of fact they weren't very well trained at all. I was told it was because the dogs were dumb and unable to learn. Nothing was ever further from the truth. It was an assumption that some people make when they are incapable of showing true love to animals.
Since they were young adults they were pretty set in their habits and ways. It was obvious that they had not been given much love and affection because they feared me and were suspicious of all my efforts.
It was empathy and compassion that drew me to them at first. The more I worked with them the more I started to care for them.
When they first came to me Charley was a mongrel about four years old and Lady was a pure bred right around three.
Both dogs were plumb full of love but they didn't show it because they didn't know what love was.
It took me about a year to earn their trust and respect before they could really show their love. When they had confidence in themselves and me they started learning in leaps and bounds.
Now, there is an unconditional love that has bound us together for ever and ever. Charley and Lady have both become a part of me as well as I them. My home is their home and their home is mine.
Little Charley is really quite an exceptional guy. He shows his love in a good many ways, to Lady, to Me and to the neighborhood kids. For example; he'll wait for Lady to eat her food and if Lady's still hungry he'll step a side and let her have his. He'll lay and lick Lady for hours until her whole body is clean. He loves all children and lets them do anything they want when they're playing with him. When it comes to me, he follows me where ever I go. When I'm working in my office he's always right there at my feet, wagging his tail, wiggling his ears and making funny little noises that sound like a purring kitten.
Lady is also real neat, she is always a lady and she struts like a queen. She loves to be mauled and she'll maul you right back. As big as she is she's as gentle as can be and she also likes to lay or sit right next to me. She's somewhat spoiled and likes attention all of the time and you better believe that she gets it, and that's just fine.
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