My name is Lady and I'm a big black Lab., not really that big I was the runt of the liter. I guess for a Lab I'm small, but I think I'm pretty big. Cash brought me in from outside so that I could tell my story, he always tries to show off my smarts, that's one of the reasons that I love him so much.
Well, for a dog and I never was treated like one, I have a very good memory. I can take you all the way back to when I first became a part of Cashes life.
My brothers and sisters were from the highest pedigree line of pure bred animals that were raised to be show dogs. Unfortunately for me, I was the runt so I didn't belong. My breeders were going to have me put away and I remember that day well, I wanted to live.
They had already called the veterinarian and he was going to euthanize me, whatever that was, it sure didn't sound good. Anyway my breeders were on their way out the door, with me in a cage, when they ran into a neighbor who told them about a guy down the street who had just lost his companion a dog named Brock.
They decided to see if he would take me. You don't know how happy this made me. My heart was thumping and my tail was wagging as they knocked on Cashes front door.
My world came to an end when Cash told them that he didn't want me, that the loss of Brock was to hard to take and he didn’t want to get that close to another living thing. They said;
"That’s OK we have an appointment to have her put away." Cashes reply was…
"You can't do that I'll find her a home."
Oh thank God, I had found my home. I would make Cash love me so much that he'd never give me away and that's when I became Cashes very best friend and constant companion.
My first real home was on Roosevelt Ave in a small suburb called Sugar House. Boy was I a lucky dog. Cash and I took to each other right off the get go, and that's the truth.
My new home was really nice and cozy. Cash gave me run of the whole house and it was lots of fun exploring the closets and under the beds, sometimes I'd find the neatest things to chew on or take outside and bury.
I remember once finding a real nice boot under the bed and I assumed that Cash had left it there for me to play with while he was away so I chewed on it the biggest part of the day.
Wow, they say that only dogs get mad and people get angry. Not true! Cash really totaled out. Gosh, I never heard so many new words and he ranted and raved for days.
He said all his life he'd wanted Tony Lamas so he finally bought a pair and now he only had the left one to wear. He was so angry that I thought he would never get glad. I knew I had done wrong and I really was sad, but Cash finally got over it and then I was glad.
Cash said many times that no dog would ever measure up to his Brock, so my greatest desire was to prove him wrong. I wanted to be the best I could be, so my master Cash would really love me.
I remember one time when I pooped under the living room table and Cash scolded me and put me outside for the longest time.
Then there was another time when I pooped in a shoe, ha...ha...ha...This I have to tell you about, it's really a funny. There was this salesman Cash new that was really obnoxious, when he visited us he would take off his shoes and put them along side the couch and they would stink up the whole house. Well I had to go really bad and there were these shoes that smelled just like shit so I plopped a good one right into one of them.
Wait a minute I'm not through yet! I'm just getting to the best part. The guy got ready to leave and put on his shoes and you should have seen the expression on his face as the poop oozed out around the top of his shoe.
Cash laughed so hard that he rolled on the floor and that guy never came back to our house any more.
When I was little I was always doing things that would upset Cash, not on purpose I want you to know, and I think it was just the puppy in me. Another thing I want you to know is that when I did bad things Cash never hit me but boy could he give a French Blessing and sometimes they'd last for days.
It took me about a year before I grew out of my mischievous ways and we both managed to survive.
I grew to love my master, Cash, more and more with each passing day. I wanted him to be proud of me and love me in the same way. I tried real hard to learn to do all the things that would please him.
Jack, our mailman trained me to take in the mail, he worked with me for weeks until I had it just right. Jack would hand me the mail and I would deliver it right to Cashes favorite chair. Soon I started doing the same thing with the newspaper. My reward was a pat on the head and the simple phrase, "Good Girl."
Sometimes Cash would talk to me like I was human and could understand all that he was saying. I learned to nod or shake my head when he was talking to me, an even though I couldn't understand every word, he thought I could. Usually by his actions or his expressions I knew what he wanted…
You know, it was pretty obvious that Cash liked us four legged creatures better than he did you two legged ones because he always treated us so much better.
I never saw him hit an animal but I seen him beat up many a human. Cash had a real bad temper but he never lost it on me or any of my kind.

Hi there stranger, my name is Rex. I have been abandoned and I'm looking for someone to love me. There are dogs just like me in animal shelters all over America. We don't want to be put to sleep, we want to live, we need a home. Please visit the animal shelter near you and adopt a four legged companion. You'll never be sorry you did...
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